Selling Digital Goods Has Never Been Easier!

There has never been a better time for creators to sell digital goods online - ebooks, comics, reports, stories, NFTs, music, videos, courses, and everything else that creators are producing. At ScrollStack, you can set up your own digital goods store in under 2 mins. No technical integration needed, and it's completely free.

Some of you might ask - what are digital goods? Well, all the content you have been creating for years are the digital goods you own. If you are a poet, a PDF that you put together with your 10 best poems is a digital good. The comic book that you created to show the world how you dealt with isolation during Covid, that's a digital good. So far, you might have posted these bits and pieces of content on social media. You got likes and hearts, and Facebook made $$. Now it's your turn to take control of your content and sell those digital goods to your followers.

To be clear, I am not talking about paid subscriptions or memberships - they are complicated, and put creators on a hamster wheel of content creation that's not sustainable. Digital goods are much simpler - you can package content you have already created e.g. a collection of short stories, a series of your 5 best podcasts, a GIF you created to celebrate Chanu Saikhom Mirabai, etc.

Once you have identified your first digital good that you want to sell, 3 simple steps on ScrollStack will get you started:

  1. Create a new post on ScrollStack by hitting the + sign.

  2. Pick a price, title, feature image, and a brief description of what you are selling.

  3. Upload the file by clicking on the Folder icon.

You are done! You can now share the link to this post across your social media, WhatsApp, email, and everywhere else you have a following. People will be able to buy your first digital good, wherever they are in the world. If you are looking for examples, here is one by me. It took me less than 2 mins to put this together!

All the best to all of you as you get started on your journey to sell your digital goods. We at ScrollStack will continue to make it easier for you to create, distribute, and monetize your content. Write to us at if you have any questions, or feedback.

Btw, if you are reading this in your email inbox, you have just experienced our latest feature that allows creators to send their entire post via email to their followers! It's the easiest, and fastest way to start your newsletter.

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